Life can really be hard at times, especially when you feel all alone like no one else understands you or can relate. Yesterday we talked about why God chooses sinners and imperfect people like us and Moses. Prayerfully we came to the conclusion that imperfect people can relate to and help imperfect people. That through common situations and trials we can all encourage one another to be better, do better, and look to God for strength.
This is where I feel led to lead us today, focusing on our Spiritual Foundations. A wonderful hymn of the church is called How Firm A Foundation and the first versus reads like this :
How firm a foundation ye saints of the Lord,
is laid for your faith in his excellent word!
What more can he say than to you he hath said,
to you who for refuge to Jesus have fled?
I love this song because it gives me strength daily. When I feel that life is unfair and too hard. During the times that i feel alone and it seems that my sister, parents and friends don't have a clue to what I'm going through I remember this song knowing that I can always find refuge in Jesus. Truthfully more times than not my world seems crazy with so much going on and many distractions. So I find myself constantly reflecting on songs like this.
We can even revisit the scripture from yesterday and look at Exodus 3:5 " Then he said come no closer! Remove the sandals from your feet, for the place on which you are standing is holy ground." and vs 12 " He said I will be with you: when you have brought this people out of Egypt, you shall worship God on this mountain."
Looking again at this scripture I understand further how awesome and great God is. God knew Moses and knows us. Therefore even though God has called imperfect people to do impossible task through lives filled with stumbling blocks in a world of uncertainty. We are able because we go forward on holy ground. We are able to make it, to cope , to adjust, to get back up and continue on, because God says God will be with us, showing God's greatness by enabling everyday people like us to do extraordinary things. God uses us to show all the world how great God is.
Today, remember that when life seems to hard to bear we are not alone but are planted firmly because our Spiritual foundation is in God. So wherever we go we are on holy ground because God is with us.
Simply put God is.... Love Pastor J
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