You know the things that you do that no one else knows about, I Mean No One else knows about. Why do you do them? Would you do them if everyone could know? How would you feel if your Parents, Spouse, Employer or Pastor found out? Are you ashamed of or depressed after you do them?
A good friend of mine Rev. Ricky Georgetown once made this statement "After you do whatever you do in the dark, run to a mirror and ask Jesus if he enjoyed it too." The truth of the matter is that Jesus is always with us- because GOD IS... always in our midst. So then the deeper question is why are we ashamed of things before our family, co-workers and church members but not in front of God.
I encourage you to look back over Romans 12 today and meditate on the presenting your bodies as a living sacrifice part, being holy and acceptable. Ask yourself why is it that you consider your behavior acceptable to God, and if you don't maybe it's time to think about changing some things. Maybe we are not as disciplined as we think we are?
Until tomorrow, may God be with you ALWAYS. Love Pastor J
I haven't been reading the blogs everyday, but i have read every blog. I feel as though god really put it on your heart to deliver those past two passage, they really hit home for me and helped me to clear out my head and heart. I realizes that most of these blogs have not received any comments, but please don't let that discourage you from posting. You never know whose reading and how bad they need to hear what it is you have to say. Thanks chester...
thanks Amanda, I promised the youth I would blog and I will. It's not only helps others but me as well. So even if no one comments that's fine. If nothing else some will read a few bible versus everyday and that in itself is a good thing.
see you soon...
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