I know this is a strange title, but Kurt Carr has a gospel song out called God Blocked it. The song is actually really good and is about how through God's mercy our just punishment or what we really deserve is withheld from us. Maybe Psalm 124 can explain it a little better:
1If it had not been the Lord who was on our side
—let Israel now say— 2if it had not been the Lord who was on our side,
when our enemies attacked us, 3then they would have swallowed us up alive,
when their anger was kindled against us;
4then the flood would have swept us away,
the torrent would have gone over us;
5then over us would have gone
the raging waters.
6Blessed be the Lord,
who has not given us
as prey to their teeth.
7We have escaped like a bird
from the snare of the fowlers;
the snare is broken,
and we have escaped.
8Our help is in the name of the Lord,
who made heaven and earth.
Have you ever made a horrible decision, that you now know was wrong and not thought out? Have there been times in your life where you know God protected you in the midst of your bad decisions? Times when you know things should have worked out worse and you could not explain it, times that God blocked you from getting your just due. If you are yet to experience times like these, just keep living.
But I have a feeling that most of us understand where I'm coming from. Because God is... Gods mercy prevails among us even when we really mess us. Psalm 124 is a Psalm of David and tells us how God is with and protects God's people even when they should have died and met their demise at the hand of their enemies. God protects us also in good decision making and our bad. We must trust that God will place a hedge around us shielding us from the chaos of the world everyday when we leave our homes until we return.
Today, please focus on Psalm 124, and just give God some praise like David for keeping you and I all the times that things did not have to work out so well. Praise God today that even when times were or seemed bad that they were not worse.
Talk to you in the morning, Love Pastor J.
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