Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own
understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He
shall direct your paths.
- Proverbs 3:5,6
I will trust in the Lord, till I die! The words of this spirit filled song come to mind as I sit here and recap the day and it's events. As the church we often find ourselves singing and reciting these words, but do we really mean them? When the chips fall and the storms of life come blowing in do we still trust in the Lord? When life throws us a curve ball do we still trust until we die? When loved ones die, relationships fail, employment terminates, and friends disappoint... do we still trust?
Today's text for reflection from proverbs reminds that God is sovereign and will direct us at all times. believe me I know during the storms of life it is very hard to trust in God, but trust we must. As those who are called the church, as believers, as persons with both individual and collective testimonies we must trust in the Lord always.
Sisters and brothers I encourage you and ask you to lean on God during the good and bad days! Promise to keep the faith and trust in the Lord always. I believe this faith and trust will indeed lead us into a closer and more loving relationship with God, the church, and the humankind.
Until next time... Trust On!
Love, Pastor J
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