Remaining positive in our world is one of the hardest things to do. We live among constant pessimist, tragedy, fear and turmoil. Yet we know they we should live optimistic lives. Many of us wake up daily with the decisive mindset that "Today Will Be A Good Day", somehow between waking up and returning home events transpire that have entirely shifted our mindset, leaving us depressed and disillusioned. Knowing this we must find strength in something that enables us to still live optimistic and positive lives despite what the world hurls at us daily. We must find something key to our remaining positive.
Our text today is taken from Paul's letter to the Church in Rome. Apostle Paul reminds us that even when the world seems to get the best of us during times when death is at our door and when we are broken, stressed or penniless it not over. To remain positive, remain convinced that even though what we see is disheartening remember that God is always with us. Because God is always with us and is never separate from us, we understand that everything we go through God goes through. Every negative and hurtful situation God is in the midst and will bring us safely through. This should remain our bedrock plumb-line to enable us to remain positive in the face of adversity.
Because I am convinced of God's everlasting love and loyalty for me, every day is a positive one. Despite what the day may bring and even my own failures I am convinced that God is
invested in my success. Family I invite you to do the same.
Be well, love Pastor Sirchester.
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