Joshua 5
New International Version (NIV)
The Fall of Jericho
13 Now when Joshua was near Jericho, he looked up and saw a manstanding in front of him with a drawn sword in his hand. Joshua went up to him and asked, “Are you for us or for our enemies?”14 “Neither,” he replied, “but as commander of the army of the Lord I have now come.” Then Joshua fell facedown to the ground in reverence, and asked him, “What message does my Lord[a] have for his servant?”
15 The commander of the Lord’s army replied, “Take off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy.” And Joshua did so.
While watching the movie Gangs of New York, there is a scene towards the end where different groups are praying to God. Each group has their own agenda and is asking God to be in their favor and grant them victory over the enemy.People all around the world pray this way daily for victory in certain areas. Some pray to win the war others pray for wealth, health or self. Many times we pray not realizing that our prayer might bring sorrow or pain to others yet we remain convinced that God is on our side.
The truth of the matter is that God remains on the side of justice, love and truth .We must always remember this as we pray.
In the text Joshua ask whom side are you on and the reply is neither. God can not be wooed or corrupted.Therefore our job is to make sure that we are always on the right side. The right side of God and the right side of justice, love and mercy. This is a lesson Joshua quickly learned and we must apply daily.
Be Well, love PJ.