Earlier today a friend of mine texted me with a real and relevant question. They asked "If you prayed to God for something u wanted would he give it to you even if it was not for you?"
Well, lets look at this question theologically, (the only way we know how to right) we know that God answers prayers.
We know that God want's us to be happy, and that God loves us. So the immediate answer would be Yes! But the question included even if it was not for us.
Well that makes it a little rougher, some would say that anything you ask for in prayer and faith you will receive. “Ask and it will be given to you.” based on (Matthew 7:7).
But Jesus words are often taken out of context, you must look at the entire context of the passage to truly understand what Christ is saying. Let's look
And the real key to the passage is about giving good gifts. looking at versus 11 we can see that Jesus references versus 7 with the example of a parents love for their children. that's how we are to God like children. So you give you children what they really want if it will not hurt or harm them potentially. (or at least you can't see any harm coming from the gift) God is like a good parent who gives their children GOOD GIFTS!
So when we look at the context of the text we see that all prayers are not granted and we understand that God is not our personal genie with unlimited wishes. But there is hope.
When we look to Isaiah 38 we see a different story:
1 About that time Hezekiah became deathly ill, and the prophet Isaiah son of Amoz went to visit him. He gave the king this message: “This is what the L
2 When Hezekiah heard this, he turned his face to the wall and prayed to the L
4 Then this message came to Isaiah from the L
Here King Hezekiah was surely going to die, but through prayer God blessed him with the gift of longevity 15 more years of life. Here God gave the King a good gift, I can't think of a better gift than life. So yes God does give us what we ask for, and I believe God gives what we want just like a good parent as long as what we want and ask for does not place us in harms way.
Cause Lord knows I want a new living room set... I can't get in any trouble from a living room set. Can I?
Let us just remember as Christians we need to live, pray, respond as such even in our thoughts and prayers. I know that's easier said than done, it is for me too. But we must work at it. So don't go asking to be a millionaire, or for someone else boyfriend or girlfriend because that may be more harmful than good. Don't be mad at me I'm just keeping it real.
Until tomorrow Love,
Pastor J
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